- Always shred documents of a personal nature. If it has nothing more than your name & address on it, shred!
- Minimize the number of credit cards that you have.
- In the signature box on the back of credit/debit cards you use, print “ASK FOR ID”.
- DO NOT carry your Social Security Card with you and do not give the number out over the phone. Lock the card in a safe place!
- Do not discuss private business in public places, such as on a cell phone. It’s too easy for someone close by to overhear information.
- Get a free credit report yearly. (https://www.annualcreditreport.com)
- Never share personal information with someone at your door or over the phone.
Bringing useful news to educate our clients is one more way that Home Helpers has been making life easier for over a decade. Call us today at 704-909-7958. And as always, you can find us on our website, Facebook and Google+!