Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Appearances can be deceiving...

The Christmas Season is a time to feel joyous and share fellowship with our friends and loved ones.  During this season, it’s easy to forget or overlook persons that appear to be doing well and in good
spirits, but in actuality may be struggling.

Our office recently came across a couple that, from all outward appearances, were self sufficient and comfortable.  However, as we began to talk and learn more about them, it became apparent that all was not as it appeared.  While they seemed to be independent, the scary reality was that were struggling to fix regular meals.  In many cases, they were simply not eating because the preparation effort was overwhelming.  After placing a few phone calls, we now have this problem under control.

As you visit or talk to neighbors, acquaintances, and loved ones, this Christmas Season, make sure that the reality of their situation is not a veiled appearance.  Ask questions, and offer help.   If you come across a situation like the one above and are not sure how to proceed, call us.  We’ll be more than happy to assist.

  Bringing useful news to educate our clients is one more way that Home Helpers has been making life easier for over a decade.  Call us today at 704-909-7958.  And as always, you can find us on our websiteFacebook and

Thursday, December 5, 2013

A New Scam Alert!

We are frequently asked by clients about special deals or offers that they receive at home via telephone. 
Senior scam alert for life line, life alert, & medical alert products!
Almost without fail, the calls are from a scam artist that is looking to take advantage of someone.

A new scam which has been pervasive in targeting seniors in our area lately is aimed at providing a “FREE” emergency alert unit. The caller typically states “that their FREE Life Line unit is ready to be installed, and that it’s on the way to their home now”.  They go on to explain that “This unit was paid for by a friend or family member and they only need some information to verify that they have the correct person & address. A technician will then be out to install the device“. This is generally followed by a request for personal information, and perhaps a credit card.  When the information is provided, the scammer will use it towards identity theft, or charge the provided credit card.

In every instance where we’ve come across this scam, the caller id number indicates that they are calling from a distant area code, not locally.  Calling the number back results in a recorded message and a hang up.
If you have friends or family that may fit the “senior” profile these scams are targeting, please let them know about this.  Also, make sure they NEVER divulge any personal or financial information over a phone call.  If they truly need a life line medical alert unit, call us. We carry a full line of products, and will gladly match the need and budget to the correct product.  All service will be local, and there are no contracts or hidden fees. Ever!

Bringing useful news to educate our clients is one more way that Home Helpers has been making life easier for over a decade.  Call us today at 704-909-7958.  And as always, you can find us on our websiteFacebook and