Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Holiday Blues

The following is courtesy of Home Helpers of Lake Norman & Central NC. Visit our website at , or call us at 704.909.7958
 The holiday season is upon us!  During this time of year, you may notice a change in a loved one's mood.  It's not the actual holiday that can cause depression.  Most likely it's due to recollection of early, perhaps happier times from the past.  Memories of a lost friend, spouse, or family member, a move, or health related changes all tend to contribute.
  Some common symptoms of depression to be aware of are: irritable mood; sadness; feeling of worthlessness; anxiety; loss of appetite; and failing to maintain hygiene.  Once the cause of depression is identified, it becomes easier to address.  In severe cases, an anti-depressant may be prescribed.  More frequently, treatment may be as simple as relieving loneliness with visitations, outings, conversation, or involvement in some activities.
  Whatever the cause, it should not be ignored hoping that it will pass with the season.  Be proactive and supportive.  And as always, should the symptoms persist, contact a physician for advice.
  As always, if you or a someone you know needs care-giving assistance, call us.  We've been helping to Make Life Easier for over a decade.  It's our passion.

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