Thursday, August 21, 2014

Turning an Alzheimer's Diagnosis Into Something Positive

 In a previous post, we share the story of how Katie Couric was moving through life as a "sandwich generation" child, at times feeling pushed to the point of being overwhelmed with the responsibility of providing care.  A diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease can be one of the most disheartening experiences a person may ever experience, and can lead to the same conclusions.  The journey of dealing with the disease, and of caregivers seeing a loved one progress with Alzheimer's can often lead to feeling as if one is completely isolated and alone.  It's very important to remember that there are others dealing with the same issues, and in some cases turning the experience into a positive event.
 Samuel L. Jackson recently shared his experiences with his family's Alzheimer's struggles, and how he became involved in the search for a cure.  You can read the complete article at

  He also partnered with Maria Shriver to create a quick video sharing personal tales and how it has inspired them to become involved with charities focused on this disease.  The video is well made and worth the few minutes to watch, especially if you're struggling with the same challenges...

  While you may not be inspired to become as involved as these recognizable names, it's helpful to know that there are others that are involved in making a difference where they can.  If you need help dealing with issues brought on by family demands or chronic illness, or know someone that does, call our office.  We work with families & local organizations that can provide guidance, advice, or just offer to listen.  Don't try to go it alone.

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